Psoriasis Action/Awareness Month 1st – 31st August 2024
Psoriasis Awareness Month unites people living with psoriasis for the month of August in supporting each other, raising awareness, and championing the goal of finding a cure for psoriasis.
It may sometimes feel isolating to live with symptoms of a chronic condition like psoriasis. Although friends and family are caring and helpful, they can’t fully understand what you’re experiencing day to day unless they’ve also been diagnosed with psoriasis.
That’s why, every August, the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) celebrates Psoriasis Awareness Month. Planned activities connect people living with psoriasis and increase awareness of this common skin disorder. Over 8 million people in this country and 125 million worldwide live with psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a condition characterised by scaly, red, and raised patches on the skin, especially on the elbows, knees, and scalp; however, it could also affect other areas in the body. Psoriasis often causes itching, burning, and stinging in affected areas. Though its aetiology is unclear to medical experts, psoriasis occurs when the life cycle of skin cells increases, causing a build-up of excess skin cells that form red patches and scales. Scientists believe that genetics and the immune system are contributory factors to the development of psoriasis